Educator. Entrepreneur. Leader. Disruptor. Visionary.
Angela Maiers embodies each of these with passion, commitment and fierce determination.
She has been leading change in education and enterprise for 31 years, teaching every level of school
from kindergarten to graduate school and consulting with companies around the world.
Angela helps people understand the transformative power of technology. Her powerful message and down-to-earth style has made her a highly sought-after keynote speaker for education conferences, corporate events, and innovation summits. Angela has authored eight books, and her “You Matter” talk at TEDxDesMoines has been viewed several hundred thousand times. Angela is an alumna of The University of Iowa, with a BS in Education with a minor in Neuroscience, as well as a Master’s Degree in Literacy and Education Leadership. Most recently, Angela has been named by Engati as one of the 200 Most Powerful Influencers to Follow in 2022, and by LeadersHum as one of the Top 200 Biggest Voices in Leadership in 2022.

This talk has been viewed half a million times and ignited a global movement. People reacted powerfully to this call to action, undertaking awe-inspiring quests to address problems in our world. Choose2Matter is a universal movement that was created in response to this breathtaking reaction. It is a call to action that invites people to make “mattering” a way of life.
When people accept that they matter and that their actions count, lives, learning, and worlds change.
As a young teacher, Angela Maiers had an epiphany: people need to matter. They need to be noticed, valued, and honored. Significance is even more important than success. Ever since, the #YouMatter message has been changing hearts, minds, and lives. In a June 2011 talk at TEDxDesMoines titled “You Matter,” Angela spoke of how these two words can change minds and change lives, if we understand them and leverage them in the right way.